1. Open Vocal Sensei.
  2. Log in with your email.
    • Note: Songs cannot be saved without an account, which is free.
  3. Enter "Practice a Song".
  4. In this screen, future saved songs will be stored. Search for them using the search bar.
  5. To create a new song, click "New Song".
  6. Copy the song's YouTube URL and click "Add".
  7. Use the pin button (flag) to mark the section of the song you are working on, from minute X to minute Y. Name it in "New Section" and click "Add Section".
  8. In the bottom tab, save changes, create loops, and share.
  9. Change the positions of sections by dragging them.
  10. Play the section in loops, adjust the tempo, and share.
  11. Click "Save", exit the screen, and the song will be saved for future access in "Practice a Song".

Explore song structure through Vocal Sensei's sample songs, create your own, and practice your favorite songs effectively!

Melodic Mind is building a platform for musicians

If you ever felt like you wanna learn how to play an instrument or sing, this is a call from the universe! Music is one of the most amazing things humans can experience, and it's even more amazing when we are actively making it.
We have been building apps that can help your journey in music, and we invite you to check them out. It's a space for you to explore, learn, and grow in your music-making. Whether you're looking to discover new techniques or refine your skills, we're here to support your passion.
More importantly though, we urge you to take a few minutes everyday and do something that you feel you can enjoy that is related to music.
Just remember, the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the process.

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