Music enthusiasts, get ready for an exciting update! Music Guru, our flagship app beloved by thousands for its intuitive design and enriching content, is evolving. Today, we're thrilled to announce the arrival of Music Guru 2 Beta – a completely revamped version that takes your music learning experience to new heights.

What's New in Music Guru 2?

Revolutionary Redesign: Immerse yourself in an app that's been reimagined from the ground up, using the latest technologies and a fresh, user-friendly design. Packed with a plethora of new features, Music Guru 2 is designed to enrich your musical journey like never before. Seamless Transition: For current Music Guru users, upgrading is a breeze. Simply hit the update button, and you'll be transitioned to the new version effortlessly.

Join the Beta Experience

We believe in growth through collaboration. That's why we're releasing Music Guru 2 as a Beta – it's not just about us perfecting the app, but about us doing it together with you, our valued users. Your feedback is crucial in shaping an app that truly resonates with your musical needs and aspirations.

Your Role in Our Journey

  • Explore: Dive into the world of Music Guru 2 and discover its myriad new offerings.
  • Feedback: Share your thoughts, experiences, and suggestions. Your input is invaluable in our quest for perfection.
  • Vision: Tell us what more you'd like to see. Your ideas fuel our innovation. Accessibility and Freedom

True to our commitment, Music Guru 2 Beta remains completely free. Access it on any device, any platform, anywhere. This is just the beginning of a new, more vibrant musical adventure.

We invite you to join us in this exciting phase. Together, let's shape the future of music education.

Start exploring Music Guru 2 Beta today and let the music play!

Melodic Mind is building a platform for musicians

If you ever felt like you wanna learn how to play an instrument or sing, this is a call from the universe! Music is one of the most amazing things humans can experience, and it's even more amazing when we are actively making it.
We have been building apps that can help your journey in music, and we invite you to check them out. It's a space for you to explore, learn, and grow in your music-making. Whether you're looking to discover new techniques or refine your skills, we're here to support your passion.
More importantly though, we urge you to take a few minutes everyday and do something that you feel you can enjoy that is related to music.
Just remember, the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the process.

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